Friday, August 12, 2005

Its finnaly over!!!

Its offically over...

My job for the last one year has come to an end. The NDP Parade 2005 has come and gone.
And within that frame of time, i have learnt several valuable lessons.

1. I realised how free people are when it comes to being critical. At first, it seemed like no one would bother, but as time grew by, boy did they bother!!!

2. The amount of late nights spent updating websites is absolutely ridiculous!!!! I have a new found respect for people who update entire sites for corporations and companys... Wouldn't consider this job for now.. Would prolly die of stress...

3. You would have absolutely no time whatsoever for spouses, girlfrens, boyfrens and frens.... Basically all your saturdays are burnt and pretty soon, everyday is just known as work!!!

4. The tremendous amount of effort put in by countless organisations is just amazing.. Too many people to mention....

With that all said and done, its back to my regular intelligent job... Wonder when would be the next time i get involved in something so big scale again? Hope it isn't anytime soon.... Need the time to recover....

Anyways, next on the agenda, WOMAD!!! Anybody interested? Tag me!!! need to consolidate the number and get the tix!!! Basically we lookin to go for the first night!!!

And after that, KL maybe????

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