Monday, January 17, 2005

This week ina paragraph

Spent the whole of last week trying to figure out the code for the NDP website... Anybody knows how to do PHP? Really appreciate it if anybody could give me a quick crash course.... considering my due date is the 24th of Jan... Hmmmm....

Anyways, its official.... I'm attached again... *Smiles at himself gleefully* Singlehood is over!!! Just for those who dun already know, make a guess who it is? You'll be pleasently surprised....

But whatever it is, and what some might think or say, I guess what really matters is how we feel about it... I might not be the ideal person but hey, if i don't give it a shot, will i ever know? It might not be the right time, but i guess if i let it pass, i'll never ever know if it was.... You dig?

Spent the whole of today with her... Watched Ocean's 12 and den crashed at my place to watch The Incredibles. :) Slacked @ the jetty after that... Wished that could last forever... Just the 2 of us, looking at the stars, enjoying each other's company....

Wasted i had to go home, cuz i promised Chris & Gab that i would join them for the game... For the record, Singapore Won!!!! Not bad!!!!

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