Wednesday, January 26, 2005


Apparently, he didn't ask for directions. He had a seizure, which caused him to lose control of his car. It crashed into an MRT viaduct along punggol i think.. After the crash, he got out of the car and walked about 50m to the HDB block before collapsing in front of the rubbish dump i think. By the time he was rushed to the hospital, he was pronounced dead.

And all this happened at 7 in the morning, on his way to St Anne's Church for morning service.

Went for the servide last night. My godma was in consolable. Saw my godsister's, Tina & Caroline, whom i aven't met in close to about 5 years now i think. Oh ya, uncle victor, aunt janet and evelyn was there as well.. (Oh, btw, uncle victor and aunt janet are my sister's godparents. Evelyn is my sister's Godsis. Just though u should know...hehe) But i guess the worse was godma. She was trying to put on a brave front, fighting to hold back the tears, which every now and then, threatened to flow. I really admire godma. Just want her to know that though i might not be close, i will always be around. Just hope that she knows that....

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