Trying to look wiser....Emphasis on the word 'trying'...

Anywayz, gave the best piece of advice today. " Life is too short to be fearful of living each day." I really have no idea what came over me when i said that... Maybe it was cuz i was half asleep on the bus.. and the best part is, it didn't strike me until julia thanked me for that..
Come to think of it, it is to a certain extent, very true.. Honestly, although i'm only 22, i know i know, not that old... but still, i feel as though i have lived a life and am gettin slowly sick of it.. There are times whereby i get up in the morning, not wanting to face the day ahead, due to many unexplainable reasons...And i'm sure there are many more people out there feeling exactly the same way i do... The funny thing is, if at the age of 22 i feel this, den how would i feel when i reach, say 42? would i still get up, feeling all sucky and fucked up? Afraid to face the day ahead? Kinda makes u wonder huh?
So, my conclusion is well, live life in the direction u think you can find your happiness. There will be obstacles along the way, but then again, nobody ever said the road was gonna be easy...Once you manage to overcome them, it will only make u stronger and wiser... Listen to all the advices and criticism that come your way, but most importantly, listen to yourself.. aLways ask yorself, "Is this what i REALLY want?" Cuz nobody can lead you to YOUR happiness besides you yourself....
Do what you feel is right...yes, feel...not think.. there is a distinct difference between the brain and the heart... one is a pure feeling, the other is pure logic... but ironically, both are correct in their own ways... A Warrant Officer in the army once told me 3 simple words that make a lot of sense although its very common... "JUST DO IT" Live life with no regrets on knowing you've done everything you ever wanted to do... If u always wanted to do something but felt very embarassed to do so, i urge u to do it.. Cuz u will never know how it will change your life in one way or another...
By saying that, i would just like to challenge you to a task whereby most of us would find very hard to do... For a change, go up to your mumsy or dadsy and tell them you love them.. Ironically, as much as we know we do love them, its the hardest thing to say (Other than sorry of course).. U up for the challenge?
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