Friday, July 29, 2005

For The Record

Just for the record,

For the 23rd July post, i wasn't refering to anybody in particular... Though it feels a bit odd having to say this cuz this is a blog, but still just so as not not have anybody having any misconceptions whatsoever...

Let's just put it as work stress...

Well, basically its just really frustrating to see that after so much effort put into the job, its so easy for people to complain about a minor issue without looking and understanding the whole picture... If you were me, how would you react? I bet you'll be bald now... Honestly!! I mean, if you were there to witness the whole issue and the minority of it, you'd be pissed off too.. And basically, for me, this blog has become many a time, a source of output so that it does not affect me back at work...And most times, it does the job.. So speaking my mind becomes wrong? I'm human too, doing a job.. Trying like hell to make everybody happy.... I know i can't fulfill all requests but all i can really do is ask for some understanding.... Thankfully NDP is coming soon... If i were to do this every year, honestly, give me till next year and i'll probably end up in IMH...

Didn't really mean to blast a hole through anybody so pls dun get offended... I mean, I'm Singaporean too right? As much as many might disagree, sometimes we dun see how ridiculous we get.... So maybe the language i used wasn't the best, but nobody's perfect right?

Just so to show that i ain't out to insult anybody, i have removed the link from the NDP site, so officially, this becomes a private blog(or so to speak) again....

Thank you Hmm, for your comments... Appreciate the concern....

Sunday, July 24, 2005

Its a sunday....

For the first time in a very long time, i'm awake before 12... man, can't really remember the last time i got up so early ona sunday morning..... Ok ok, so my mum had to kick my ass and unleash my neice, who practically drooled on me and flooded my bed before i got up reluctantly....

Weather's been really erratic of late... its like as though someone up there is having mood swings... One minute, the sun can be shining and threaterning to burn everybody's ass... The next, its raining cats and dogs.. Hmmm perfect weather to be sleeping if u ask me... Well, still have to help my sis move to her new place... Coolie for a day again!

NDP Final Rehearsals was yesterday! Finally, after preview next week and the actual in 2 weeks time, this whole damn thingy will be over... About bloody time.....

Saturday, July 23, 2005


I noticed something funny while surfing through some blogs...
Wonder if u noticed this as well...

Ever wonder what is it with women and taking photos in the toilet??
And the most common shot is usally the reflection in the mirror.

Hmmm... Just kinda gets u thinking huh....


Its funny how the human mind sets out to percieve and usually, we only believe what we see with our own eyes...

People seem to have this misconception that just because its a national website, means that there must be at least like i dun know, 30 people working behind it? and by saying this, i just mean 30 people working behind the scenes for the website of NDP. say 10 people answering emails, 5 people working on the website, another 10 working on multimedia stuffs and so on and so for...

But sadly, the reality is so far away from that...

For all you bloody fools who have the abovementioned misconception about the website, i'm really sorry to inform you that sadly, we only have like what 5 people in the entire website team.(Excluding my 2 bosses of course) I kid you not. Dun believe me, check it out on the website itself. And here are the official figures. I have 2 guys monitoring emails.
I'm the only fool there designing and managing the website.
2 other guys churning out countless articles that either get rejected or cut from the web.
So now u know the truth. and because you know the truth, stop sending ridiculous emails DEMANDING for explainations. If i had so much time to explain the whole GODDAMN situation to you, you would not even bother to send me the email in the first place. It just really irks me that such people do exist. Its like as though they had nothing better to do.

There, i've spoken my piece of mind that i so want to send a reply but can't do so because sadly i can't. Its amazing what these people ask for...

"Hi, its my birthday on National Day!! Can i have some complementary tickets and funpacks? Not much, about 10 each will do. Thanks! "


"Hi, every year i bring my family to the NDP Parade. But this year i'm not successful in balloting. Can i request that u give me some tickets? Not much, i have 9 granddaughters, 8 nieces, 7 nephews, 6 sons,5 daughters, 4 grandsons, 3 aunties, 2 balls and a dick. Thank you so much!!!"
(Of course its fake, u think i would really put the mails up here?? My ass would get sued!!)

What idiots.

Basically, the whole issue is that please do spare a thought for the people working to try to satisfy your every request. I'm sure you do not want people asking u these kind of cock questions right? You would flip, as i have so many times already...

On a happier note, its coming soon.
Officially, its about 18 more days before the parade is over. A wee bit more and a year's work would be complete. How time really flies. Seems like just yesterday that my bosses and i had to rush back and forth from Temasek Poly just to get the designers for the web.
  • The late nights at Adventus.
  • The countless nights we spent in camp trying to figure out the layout of the site.
  • The mornings spent spent having cheese prata behind NUS after the countless nights.
  • The boozing
  • The many conversations we had with everybody over MSN.(I swear, its more than enough to write a book thicker than Harry Potter)

And somehow, despite all the shitz that come along with it, i'm so gonna miss it.b

Monday, July 18, 2005

A great night!!!!

Friday night was a great night!!!!

Celebrated amanda's birthday at O Bar... Honestly, we had no idea that so many people were goign.. so in a way, it was a sucess... 2 weeks of planning by roch and the rest did not go to waste!!!
Craziest part was that after O Bar closed at 3, we went to chinablack for a second round till 6... WOO hOO!!!!

Need to do this more often!!!

Monday, July 11, 2005


Exams, tests, projects etc etc..... Although many a time i wished i were back in school instead of working, this is one of those days that i beg to differ.... Have a bloody test paper tmr, for a module that i have failed like twice already... that sucks man..

So here i am at home, trying my best to study... I swear i think its been too long since i studied...
Kinda lost touch....


Tuesday, July 05, 2005

The Days

Just woke up not too long ago, by my boss... After a long night of uploading content into the website... I swear, sometimes the connection inthe office is the most screwed up thing around... Not only are there countless restictions, but also the speed is slightly equivalent to that o a 56k dialup.. Shitty if u ask me... But oh well...

Can't wait for the next few weeks to be over... Its been really hectic over the last few weeks... Mondays to saturdays have been spent doing work...Sundays, the only rest day which i have, has been spent sleeping most of the day... Sometimes, i really feel like i'm wasting my life away... No doubt i have a job, but the question that is this really what i want to do for the rest of my life pops back into my head... I guess its one of those questions that tend to stick around in your head for a while...

If not this, den what?

So far, i've done all that i wanted to do in my life... have earned my 2k by 21 to 22... At 23, i'm a SSG, probably the youngest in the army... The 2 main things that i wanted since i joined the force... What next??? The lights shining towards the path that i have to take isn't very visable now and i guess i'm just feeling my way through the darkness...

Did i mention that my brother has signed on with the navy?? hehe... Good luck bro... Thats all i can say....

Friday, July 01, 2005

true love comes quietly, without banners, or flashing lights. if you hear bells, get your ears checked....
Perfect love is rare indeed-for to be a lover will require that you continually have the subtlely of the very wise, the flexibility of the child, the sensitivity of the artist, the understanding of the philosopher, the acceptance of the saint, the tolerance of the scholar and the fortitude of the certain.
There are many ways to victimize people. One way is to convince them that they are victims
"We can spend a whole lifetime enjoying various benefits and not appreciate their value until we are deprived of them. How many lovers boldly contemplate separation, fondly imagining that they have had enough of the beloved. And yet as soon as they actually experience the separation, they burn up with longing."


If you look to others for fulfillment, you will never truly be fulfilled. If your hapiness depends on money, you will never be happy with yourself. Be content with what you have; rejoice in the way things are. When you realize that there is nothing lacking, the whole world belongs to you. -Lao Tzu-

My dear, what small feet u have.... Posted by Hello

Dun ask me where corrinne was looking...Hmm... Posted by Hello

Come on PUNK!!! Who's Your DADDY?!?!? Posted by Hello