hi melll! hehheehs. like the new template?? hope you like it lahh. actually i wanted to make the links grey and visited links black? bu i dunno how to do. so ya. looks a bit funnaye ehh? hahas. byebyee!!
Tuesday, August 31, 2004
Monday, August 30, 2004
Alls well might end well....
WOMAD!!!!!! ok la... actually it wasn't that fantastic as i though it woulld be this yr... but hey, had fun... was convinced at the very last minute by amandy to go so i tot what the hell, why not...
went with pat, amandy and met debz, delvin and his frens there.. had a great time bumming to the beats provided by the senegalese band... ended drinking quite abit as well... hehe...
oh ya, ended up meeting matthew there as well... been a long timw since i have out like that and was really fun... hmm... should really do this more often, provided the funds hold up...hehe....
went with pat, amandy and met debz, delvin and his frens there.. had a great time bumming to the beats provided by the senegalese band... ended drinking quite abit as well... hehe...
oh ya, ended up meeting matthew there as well... been a long timw since i have out like that and was really fun... hmm... should really do this more often, provided the funds hold up...hehe....
Saturday, August 28, 2004
A new Day...
Guess its time to begin a new chapter of life....Out with the old and in with the new... Yah right!!! easier said than done...well, but everything has to start somewhere right? and hence, my journey starts here... right now, at this very moment... No more feeling all sad and lonely... The feeling i absolutely HATE most in this whole wide world... The feeling that i've been going through for the last few months of my life....
Life is the way i want it to be... Ain't nobody gonna tell me what to do no more... I mkae my life, i break my life... Thats the way its gonna be from now on... Lets see where this one will take me too before i end up here again... Hmmm
Life is the way i want it to be... Ain't nobody gonna tell me what to do no more... I mkae my life, i break my life... Thats the way its gonna be from now on... Lets see where this one will take me too before i end up here again... Hmmm
Thursday, August 26, 2004
Decisions... Nobody fancies them....
i guess i have come to a standpoint in my life whereby certain decisions have to be made... regardless of whether i like them or not... sucks man...
Firstly, i think i am going to stay in camp... kinda logical if you think about it... well, minus the boredom of course... but the perks are that i save quite a bit on transport, dun bother so much about going out at night... and the biggest catch of it all.... i can never be late for work!!! Considering the recent financial woes(just one of the many problems)i've been having....that does not sound like too bad of an idea....Hmmmm....Come to think about it, the less time i'm in the house, the less time i'll be on the computer, the less time i'll have to turn on all my lamps, the less time i'll use my electrical appliances, the more i will save on the damn PUB utilities bill.... *smiles to himself*
Secondly, my damn handphone bill is driving me over the wall!!! imagine having to pay a damn bill of nearly $300 + bucks every month!!! and i personally consider it low if it reaches below $200... so, i have bought a new sim card with a cheaper plan that suits me more... having to pay less but caters more towards how i use the damn phone... just figuring out when i should start using it... cuz need to update everybody first... dun worry, all of u will hear your phone beeping soon enuf.... :)
And last but certainly not least, i'm gonna change the way i am... just spoke to robbo last night... he was telling me about how he was talking to fred, and that they both agreed that if there was one thing about me, i was always very impartial... in both a gd and bad sense... I agree totally with them... (not trying to brag here)and maybe its cuz i'm always telling myself to be a nice guy to whoever i meet... now i'm just asking myself, Why in God's name should i do that for? Mayeb its in my personality... Maybe its just me... But whatever the case is, i think i should change it... Cuz being nice ain't goin to bring u no where... u can be nice to the enemy, but he is still gonna put the bullet through your head when it matters... Over the yrs, i have been through countless incidents whereby this has happened and all i've ever gotten was nothing but a sleazy reputation, forever being cursed at and bad-mouthed by people who dun even know me... even by people who do know me... Thats the biggest problem with us humans... we never seem to go find the reason before reacting... we tend to shoot off the mouth first, realise the mistake, den apologise profusely... Everybody is guilty of it, no matter what they say..At times, cuz of pride, we dun even admit the mistake... Thus, along come 'hurt' and 'pain' to start their duties....
I admit i might not be the best person in the world... I have like one of the shortest tempers around and i get ever so angry easily...I tend to have this tendancy to treat my frens better than i treat my girlfrens... I have a pretty slight ego problem that always stops me from admitting my faults and mistakes. I always do things very rashly, without thinking of the consequences first... At times, i'm awfully insensitive to other's feelings, just because i want to get my point across....I have a VERY BIG sleeping problem. Now, come to think of it, i think i have a VERY BIG eating problem as well... I'm too self centered when it comes to certain things.... I'm way too open for my own gd that wrong things might seem right for me thru my eyes...
My faults... or rather what i can identify to myself... I'm pretty sure a lot of people will have a lot more to say about it...And i'm totally fine with that... Cuz i've been thinking to myself the whole day today... Even after getting into a little fight with edna in the morning...and after thinking about it and sending an sms to apologise for some things i said this morning... This is the final verdict on myself...
I am who i am... Nobody can change me unless i want to change... If you think i should, pls dun tell me its cuz u think its for the better... Screw the better... What is better and what is not? its like saying food that is more expensive and at fancy top class restaurants will naturally taste better than food that is sold at hawker centres... If you do not like anything about me, pls tell it to me in my face... as much as i hate to hear it, the truth hurts right? Dun play sarcastic with me cuz it ain't gonna help anybody including yourself...it'll just show how much of a person u are to others... i'll learn from my own errors and judge for myself if i need to change... i dun need anybody coming up to me and telling me that i should do this... i should do that... Blah Blah... Live your own life first before coming to tell me how i should live mine... Cuz i dare to jolly well say that at 22, i've lived a life not many people have gone through... Or even dare to go through... With the shitty decisions that i make, life can only be a rollar coaster ride for me... You might have lived a life that have different experiences from me... Fine... I'll salute you to that... But nobody is the same 2 people... everybody will have their own different opinions of things... What u like might not be what others might like... Live with it... Cuz if u can't, den you need a therapist... Cuz the world ain't always gonna go your way...
Pls dun be mistaken when u read this... I'm not refering to anybody... Maybe i'm just thinking out loud but i'm seriously not refering to anybody... If u think otherwise, den all i can say is that i've already explain myself and if u refuse to listen and choose to believe what u percieve, den good for u...
After this, from next week on, i'll prolly change my number and move into camp...Got a new job as a hermit...hehe... If any body needs to look for me, just leave me a tag... It was nice knowing all of you... My blood will always have traces of those who were involved in my life one way or another... Take care and God bless to all... I'm outta here.....
Firstly, i think i am going to stay in camp... kinda logical if you think about it... well, minus the boredom of course... but the perks are that i save quite a bit on transport, dun bother so much about going out at night... and the biggest catch of it all.... i can never be late for work!!! Considering the recent financial woes(just one of the many problems)i've been having....that does not sound like too bad of an idea....Hmmmm....Come to think about it, the less time i'm in the house, the less time i'll be on the computer, the less time i'll have to turn on all my lamps, the less time i'll use my electrical appliances, the more i will save on the damn PUB utilities bill.... *smiles to himself*
Secondly, my damn handphone bill is driving me over the wall!!! imagine having to pay a damn bill of nearly $300 + bucks every month!!! and i personally consider it low if it reaches below $200... so, i have bought a new sim card with a cheaper plan that suits me more... having to pay less but caters more towards how i use the damn phone... just figuring out when i should start using it... cuz need to update everybody first... dun worry, all of u will hear your phone beeping soon enuf.... :)
And last but certainly not least, i'm gonna change the way i am... just spoke to robbo last night... he was telling me about how he was talking to fred, and that they both agreed that if there was one thing about me, i was always very impartial... in both a gd and bad sense... I agree totally with them... (not trying to brag here)and maybe its cuz i'm always telling myself to be a nice guy to whoever i meet... now i'm just asking myself, Why in God's name should i do that for? Mayeb its in my personality... Maybe its just me... But whatever the case is, i think i should change it... Cuz being nice ain't goin to bring u no where... u can be nice to the enemy, but he is still gonna put the bullet through your head when it matters... Over the yrs, i have been through countless incidents whereby this has happened and all i've ever gotten was nothing but a sleazy reputation, forever being cursed at and bad-mouthed by people who dun even know me... even by people who do know me... Thats the biggest problem with us humans... we never seem to go find the reason before reacting... we tend to shoot off the mouth first, realise the mistake, den apologise profusely... Everybody is guilty of it, no matter what they say..At times, cuz of pride, we dun even admit the mistake... Thus, along come 'hurt' and 'pain' to start their duties....
I admit i might not be the best person in the world... I have like one of the shortest tempers around and i get ever so angry easily...I tend to have this tendancy to treat my frens better than i treat my girlfrens... I have a pretty slight ego problem that always stops me from admitting my faults and mistakes. I always do things very rashly, without thinking of the consequences first... At times, i'm awfully insensitive to other's feelings, just because i want to get my point across....I have a VERY BIG sleeping problem. Now, come to think of it, i think i have a VERY BIG eating problem as well... I'm too self centered when it comes to certain things.... I'm way too open for my own gd that wrong things might seem right for me thru my eyes...
My faults... or rather what i can identify to myself... I'm pretty sure a lot of people will have a lot more to say about it...And i'm totally fine with that... Cuz i've been thinking to myself the whole day today... Even after getting into a little fight with edna in the morning...and after thinking about it and sending an sms to apologise for some things i said this morning... This is the final verdict on myself...
I am who i am... Nobody can change me unless i want to change... If you think i should, pls dun tell me its cuz u think its for the better... Screw the better... What is better and what is not? its like saying food that is more expensive and at fancy top class restaurants will naturally taste better than food that is sold at hawker centres... If you do not like anything about me, pls tell it to me in my face... as much as i hate to hear it, the truth hurts right? Dun play sarcastic with me cuz it ain't gonna help anybody including yourself...it'll just show how much of a person u are to others... i'll learn from my own errors and judge for myself if i need to change... i dun need anybody coming up to me and telling me that i should do this... i should do that... Blah Blah... Live your own life first before coming to tell me how i should live mine... Cuz i dare to jolly well say that at 22, i've lived a life not many people have gone through... Or even dare to go through... With the shitty decisions that i make, life can only be a rollar coaster ride for me... You might have lived a life that have different experiences from me... Fine... I'll salute you to that... But nobody is the same 2 people... everybody will have their own different opinions of things... What u like might not be what others might like... Live with it... Cuz if u can't, den you need a therapist... Cuz the world ain't always gonna go your way...
Pls dun be mistaken when u read this... I'm not refering to anybody... Maybe i'm just thinking out loud but i'm seriously not refering to anybody... If u think otherwise, den all i can say is that i've already explain myself and if u refuse to listen and choose to believe what u percieve, den good for u...
After this, from next week on, i'll prolly change my number and move into camp...Got a new job as a hermit...hehe... If any body needs to look for me, just leave me a tag... It was nice knowing all of you... My blood will always have traces of those who were involved in my life one way or another... Take care and God bless to all... I'm outta here.....
Final straw
God gave us a mouth and a brain to think about what we speak... he gave us a heart to feel... put all these 3 together, and u get the most dangerous thing in the world... every bloody indian chief thinking they are right, about everything... Why were humans made in such a way that they do not consider other's feelings before they speak? Does the term 'insensitive' mean anything at all?
Just think of the chain effect that will be caused by every single word that comes out from a mouth.... if its a compliment, a person would be happy... if its an insult, a person would be angry... Anger is the next most dangerous thing.... Bearing a grudge is the single most evil act ever committed... Trying to be nice and the nmost difficult thing in the world... be it towards insults or comments made... being nice about it kills us cuz our pride and ego stands in the way...
I believe i've said enough about the last few days that have been going on at the tagboard... Think about it...Enuff said... Its time to take action...
Just think of the chain effect that will be caused by every single word that comes out from a mouth.... if its a compliment, a person would be happy... if its an insult, a person would be angry... Anger is the next most dangerous thing.... Bearing a grudge is the single most evil act ever committed... Trying to be nice and the nmost difficult thing in the world... be it towards insults or comments made... being nice about it kills us cuz our pride and ego stands in the way...
I believe i've said enough about the last few days that have been going on at the tagboard... Think about it...Enuff said... Its time to take action...
Wednesday, August 25, 2004
Its kinda funny how life turns out... one minute you feel that everything is stagnant around you... the next, everything seems to explode and blow itself out of proportion....
Yingliang...if you have got anything to say to me, tell it to me in my face... Get my damn handphone number from edna and give me a call... you wanna talk so much a bout ego and pride... fine.. but what u dun understand is that if you dun learn to control your ego and pride and in turn let it control u, u're in for a hell of a ride... you wanna know what i learned in the army?
its called humility... go check the dictionary for that term will you? anyway, i dun see why i'm wasting my time trying to explain to you anything... i dun owe you anything man... i've done worst things in my 22 yrs of life that i'm not even sorry for...let alone this... you dun even find out the cause and reason for the problem and you add comments here like as though you are like some god-like figure...
and one piece of advice for you, really... you can insult a person about everything, but NEVER EVER say anything about his/her parents... its a line you cannot afford to cross...
well, i'll try to be diplomatic here... ain't no point in me cursing and swearing at you... you've already shown me how much of a person you are and pls oh pretty pls do believe me, the picture ain't painting itself out to be a nice one...
So all i can say is, gd luck for your future( i firmly believe you are gonna need all the luck you can find) and for pete's sake, dun thread in places where you know you dun belong....
Anyways, thats that so yah... moving on to more important things...
Yingliang...if you have got anything to say to me, tell it to me in my face... Get my damn handphone number from edna and give me a call... you wanna talk so much a bout ego and pride... fine.. but what u dun understand is that if you dun learn to control your ego and pride and in turn let it control u, u're in for a hell of a ride... you wanna know what i learned in the army?
its called humility... go check the dictionary for that term will you? anyway, i dun see why i'm wasting my time trying to explain to you anything... i dun owe you anything man... i've done worst things in my 22 yrs of life that i'm not even sorry for...let alone this... you dun even find out the cause and reason for the problem and you add comments here like as though you are like some god-like figure...
and one piece of advice for you, really... you can insult a person about everything, but NEVER EVER say anything about his/her parents... its a line you cannot afford to cross...
well, i'll try to be diplomatic here... ain't no point in me cursing and swearing at you... you've already shown me how much of a person you are and pls oh pretty pls do believe me, the picture ain't painting itself out to be a nice one...
So all i can say is, gd luck for your future( i firmly believe you are gonna need all the luck you can find) and for pete's sake, dun thread in places where you know you dun belong....
Anyways, thats that so yah... moving on to more important things...
Monday, August 23, 2004
Sunday, August 22, 2004
What is the world coming to?
Just read through edna's blog... i know its really none of my business and its gonna sound really crude and offending, but i just have to say this... Y in the world are you comparing frenships? There is nothing to compare... its not like accessories whereby you compare which value is higher... In the first place, think about everything in perspective first... and not just from your own perspective... cuz you might not always be right... Is it worth contemplating the value of a 7 yr frenship over several incidents? If it is, den so much of a fren u r... If you have her link on your page and have been reading her blogs, you would have known she's back... So ya, that itself shows how much of a fren U are... I dun mean to sound rude and it certainly is not my intention to offend you, but i'm just being honest about my opinions.. Cuz you seem to think the whole world or rather, many people, are against you in everything that you do... Well, if you chose to make certain decisions den certainly we are not in any position to say that you are wrong.... but what we CAN do as frens, is voice out our opinions to let you know how we feel about it... and if you are so hell-bent that what you are doing is right, as frens, we'll still support you... but if we say something that you feel is against you, suddenly we are put on the other side and classified as 'the bad people' in your life? In that case, den i believe that being your fren is really a tough job...let alone your best fren? So sorry i have to say this but i just can't stand around and reading and pretending as though nothing is going on... call me nosey or whatever, i'm just doing what i feel is right...
Anyways, had a long day today... not really... suppose to meet alice today but could not work out the time, so have to postphone it... went to church for the usual sat routine.... came back and watched the soccer games with chris... debz dropped by for a while befroe disappearing to a beach party... as i said before, lucky girl... better life than me certainly...hehe...
Anyways, had a long day today... not really... suppose to meet alice today but could not work out the time, so have to postphone it... went to church for the usual sat routine.... came back and watched the soccer games with chris... debz dropped by for a while befroe disappearing to a beach party... as i said before, lucky girl... better life than me certainly...hehe...
Friday, August 20, 2004
How many days?
Good news is i can finally blog again after 5 days in the wilderness.... bad news, i'm in that fucking depressing mood again... somehow, it just won't go away... creeped back into my life and announced its arrival in style... I wonder why this time, that i feel like that...
Hey, thats not the only thing back in my life... Debz is back... dunno whether to consider that gd news or bad...hehe... For those of u who know her, gd news is that she's grown up a lot... Bad news, still as noisy as ever... She's the reason why i've been in the wilderness the last 5 days... cuz basically, she's been coming to my house every night to use the net, hence giving me no chance to update my blog, which i so habitually do at night... Well, maybe its not such a bad thing after all... Could do with the company.. After all, it really is getting a wee bit too lonely in my life... I mean, sure i have friends... But they all have thier own lives as well right? So that is why i dun wan to go and bother them.I mean, surely they've got better things to do den listen to some stoopid fool like myself ramble about nonsense and the past all day right? Problem solved...
The last few days at work not too bad... As usual, the same old repetitive redundant cycle continues... Lucky, my life not like 'The Truman Show' or something like that, if not the viewers would be bored to death!!! Seriously, that is the way life is going nowadays.. Always seems so diffifult to find something to do nowadays, even to amuse myself...Well, the only thing interesting at work is that we are doing like some painting jobs, cuz we need to do up some rooms... Had an absolute fun day trying to avoid paint... (How fun is that?) worst part was that ended up staining my uniform at all the wrong places...There was even a stain on my crotch area, which made me look as though i just had sex with the paint can.... That's sad man..hehe...
On a brighter note, just met alice 2 days ago... She reached back Singapre already...But now, she's gone off to KL. Gonna meet her again on Sat... So touching man.. She actually bought some soveniors for me... A shirt as well as a keychain... Both look lovely.. Glad to see u back babe... Hope you're enjoying yourself now in KL. Bought her a phone for her birthday(which is this sunday)... Well, on my part, its nothing much...I mean, whats the price of a materealistic item compared to the price of frenship eh??? pretty cheap as well the phone... :) Feel so pleased with myself for being able to find such a deal...hehe..
Gonna have soccer selection tomorrow morning... Haven't found myself a new apir of boots yet.. Guess i'm gonna have to play in track shoes... Talk about awkward man...and the worse part of it all now is that i cannot get to sleep... Sad man... looks like i'm gonna stay up all night... Hard part is trying to find something to do to keep me awake... Hmmm, seems awfully quiet around tonight... Oh Ya, Debz is not around...hehe... went out clubbing... lucky babe... Think maybe i'll read a book, get a wee bit of shut eye and figure out tomorrow how much more further i can get depressed and sink into this hole that is already above me...
Hey, thats not the only thing back in my life... Debz is back... dunno whether to consider that gd news or bad...hehe... For those of u who know her, gd news is that she's grown up a lot... Bad news, still as noisy as ever... She's the reason why i've been in the wilderness the last 5 days... cuz basically, she's been coming to my house every night to use the net, hence giving me no chance to update my blog, which i so habitually do at night... Well, maybe its not such a bad thing after all... Could do with the company.. After all, it really is getting a wee bit too lonely in my life... I mean, sure i have friends... But they all have thier own lives as well right? So that is why i dun wan to go and bother them.I mean, surely they've got better things to do den listen to some stoopid fool like myself ramble about nonsense and the past all day right? Problem solved...
The last few days at work not too bad... As usual, the same old repetitive redundant cycle continues... Lucky, my life not like 'The Truman Show' or something like that, if not the viewers would be bored to death!!! Seriously, that is the way life is going nowadays.. Always seems so diffifult to find something to do nowadays, even to amuse myself...Well, the only thing interesting at work is that we are doing like some painting jobs, cuz we need to do up some rooms... Had an absolute fun day trying to avoid paint... (How fun is that?) worst part was that ended up staining my uniform at all the wrong places...There was even a stain on my crotch area, which made me look as though i just had sex with the paint can.... That's sad man..hehe...
On a brighter note, just met alice 2 days ago... She reached back Singapre already...But now, she's gone off to KL. Gonna meet her again on Sat... So touching man.. She actually bought some soveniors for me... A shirt as well as a keychain... Both look lovely.. Glad to see u back babe... Hope you're enjoying yourself now in KL. Bought her a phone for her birthday(which is this sunday)... Well, on my part, its nothing much...I mean, whats the price of a materealistic item compared to the price of frenship eh??? pretty cheap as well the phone... :) Feel so pleased with myself for being able to find such a deal...hehe..
Gonna have soccer selection tomorrow morning... Haven't found myself a new apir of boots yet.. Guess i'm gonna have to play in track shoes... Talk about awkward man...and the worse part of it all now is that i cannot get to sleep... Sad man... looks like i'm gonna stay up all night... Hard part is trying to find something to do to keep me awake... Hmmm, seems awfully quiet around tonight... Oh Ya, Debz is not around...hehe... went out clubbing... lucky babe... Think maybe i'll read a book, get a wee bit of shut eye and figure out tomorrow how much more further i can get depressed and sink into this hole that is already above me...
Saturday, August 14, 2004
The last few days
Been coming home too late for the last few days to blog.... just came back today as well... where should i start? Hmmmm...
Tiger Trail
Unfortunately for me, i was selected this year to run the 'Survivor' portion of the race...Ok, for those of you who dun speak 'Army', basically, have to run to 6 different stations and collect items, den run back to the start point nad start constructing items... Afterwhich the items will be judged and rate by the judges after 2 and the half hours.... So anyway, these were the tasks we had to do...
- 2 x Shelters built from wood and able to support at least 1 man
- 1 x Spear carved out from wood
- 1 x Fork and Spoon carved out from wood
- Start fire and flame to be seen
- 1 x Trap, tested and able to work
- Cook rice with the fire
- Find 3 x Edible fruit along route
- Make ropes with vines
Wah... Quite a list man... ended up, we didn't do too badly cuz we only did not do the rope part...(last item) as all the vines in the damn jungle went AWOL that morning...hehe... Gd thing was that after the whole event was over, got half day... free one somemore....hehe.. Ended up in NIE canteen with Jiaqi for luch wit Charmain.... waited for her to finish sch after that at Jurong Point, but last minute, her class was extended so had to go home myself... Anywayz, met carole on my way back and went up to her place to help her with some cpu stuff.... Afterwhich, she went to work, i went home and eneded up sleeping all night till midnight...hehe...
Best part was, the next day, i was on off.... No need to go work!!! WOOPI!!!slept till about 12... Den went to meet carole after her sch and went to IKEA to look for furniture... O, did i mention that i'm in the process of redoing my room? Anywayz, saw many stuff i liked at IKEA... really need to save man... Saw this really funky bag which i promptly bought for Amandy...hehe...still oew her birthday prezzie la...Met Kelly in the evening after that... Had a nice dinner and chat ewith her at Cafe Cartel at City Hall.... Met up with Amandy to pass her her prezzie... Den went to meet carole again to collect bread from her mum... Nice.... Looks like something from Breadtalk...hehe... Best part is that she made it herself... Wow!!!
Went back to work today... Friday the 13th man... Bad luck day...hehe... started off like that... NEarly ended up lost in Tuas in the morning...hehe...Gd thing is that had to go down town to do work today... All for NDP 05...hehe...Spent the day taking pictures we required....along with Jiaqi and Lam...Met Lam's frens, Diana and Mindy...Also met Amandy in the evening and chilled out at BBoss... Met Jiaqi's gf, Catherine today....Poor girl had been bitten by a mosquito at the eyes and both her eyes were swollen... Poor thingy...Anyways,they hung around for a while before they left cuz the poor girl had just finished work... Feel so happy for Jiaqi cuz he seems so genuinely happy with her... :)
Anyways, tml have to go back and take somemore pictures in the morning so ya... time to go zzzz...but first, a great big sorry to Alice, for not chatting with u the last few days cuz i'm like so hardly at home... Sorry BABE!!!!! hope your exams went well... Church tml and going to see the kids sing again... Ahhh.... Good Stuff!!!! Nitez!!!!
Tiger Trail
Unfortunately for me, i was selected this year to run the 'Survivor' portion of the race...Ok, for those of you who dun speak 'Army', basically, have to run to 6 different stations and collect items, den run back to the start point nad start constructing items... Afterwhich the items will be judged and rate by the judges after 2 and the half hours.... So anyway, these were the tasks we had to do...
- 2 x Shelters built from wood and able to support at least 1 man
- 1 x Spear carved out from wood
- 1 x Fork and Spoon carved out from wood
- Start fire and flame to be seen
- 1 x Trap, tested and able to work
- Cook rice with the fire
- Find 3 x Edible fruit along route
- Make ropes with vines
Wah... Quite a list man... ended up, we didn't do too badly cuz we only did not do the rope part...(last item) as all the vines in the damn jungle went AWOL that morning...hehe... Gd thing was that after the whole event was over, got half day... free one somemore....hehe.. Ended up in NIE canteen with Jiaqi for luch wit Charmain.... waited for her to finish sch after that at Jurong Point, but last minute, her class was extended so had to go home myself... Anywayz, met carole on my way back and went up to her place to help her with some cpu stuff.... Afterwhich, she went to work, i went home and eneded up sleeping all night till midnight...hehe...
Best part was, the next day, i was on off.... No need to go work!!! WOOPI!!!slept till about 12... Den went to meet carole after her sch and went to IKEA to look for furniture... O, did i mention that i'm in the process of redoing my room? Anywayz, saw many stuff i liked at IKEA... really need to save man... Saw this really funky bag which i promptly bought for Amandy...hehe...still oew her birthday prezzie la...Met Kelly in the evening after that... Had a nice dinner and chat ewith her at Cafe Cartel at City Hall.... Met up with Amandy to pass her her prezzie... Den went to meet carole again to collect bread from her mum... Nice.... Looks like something from Breadtalk...hehe... Best part is that she made it herself... Wow!!!
Went back to work today... Friday the 13th man... Bad luck day...hehe... started off like that... NEarly ended up lost in Tuas in the morning...hehe...Gd thing is that had to go down town to do work today... All for NDP 05...hehe...Spent the day taking pictures we required....along with Jiaqi and Lam...Met Lam's frens, Diana and Mindy...Also met Amandy in the evening and chilled out at BBoss... Met Jiaqi's gf, Catherine today....Poor girl had been bitten by a mosquito at the eyes and both her eyes were swollen... Poor thingy...Anyways,they hung around for a while before they left cuz the poor girl had just finished work... Feel so happy for Jiaqi cuz he seems so genuinely happy with her... :)
Anyways, tml have to go back and take somemore pictures in the morning so ya... time to go zzzz...but first, a great big sorry to Alice, for not chatting with u the last few days cuz i'm like so hardly at home... Sorry BABE!!!!! hope your exams went well... Church tml and going to see the kids sing again... Ahhh.... Good Stuff!!!! Nitez!!!!
Tuesday, August 10, 2004
National Day Aftermath...
Today is another redundant day at work... no point man... scrambled up in the morning to nearly reach work late only to realise nothing on today... so do nothing but play game all day again.... haiz, life getting sian...Anywayz, here's the lowdown on the last 2 days.....
Went to Ting Ting's wedding in the evening after carole had helped me pack my cupboard....So sweet...that lil sis of mine... Lurve her lots!!! anywayz, yah.... must say, must really start doing up my room... its getting to more and more resemble the "galang guni" store near my place... everything also have...hehe ... At the wedding that evening, met up with several old frens from sch.... man, haven't seen them since i left school nearly 6 yrs ago...my,my... lots of changed... met up with caroline, yanlan, peishan, chee keong and of course, the bride, ting ting.... Must admit seeing ting ting on stage gettin married was kinda hard to believe at first... seemed only not long ago that we were all sitting in class and fooling around... sunddenly, everybody is working and gettin married.... man it sucks to be older...anywayz, we all went for a game of pool after gettin half drunk at the wedding...hehe... damn bad man... half the time cannot aim properly, let alone shoot the ball straight...hehe... anywayz, it was great to see them again after so long....
This must be the like the most boring national day i've ever experienced... Woke up at around noon.... called carole and went out to central to look for a SAMS machine to pay her bills... after that, walked around northpoint and went for "Lunner"(erm...Lunch +Dinner?)ya....Met my bro whilst eating and den went home... Slept like log man... woke up when chris & the rest(Gab, Joanne Sandhu, Amandy, Andi, Carole, Roch) came over the watch Singapore Idol... I tell u, some of the biggest clowns (as well as the most gusty people) were on that show... Damn hilarious man... Sadly, these reality shows in singapore ain't too good...cuz its kinda like predictable and really rigid... asthough everything has already been fixed... Anyways, we all stayed and wacthed frens as well.... so sad that this is gonna be the last season... Boo Hoo....
Anywayz, gotta go back to camp later tonight.... got to be in camp ny 500 tomorrow so dun wanna end up rushing on the morning so i go back camp to slp tonight lor.... haiz...gonna be damn sian man.....
Went to Ting Ting's wedding in the evening after carole had helped me pack my cupboard....So sweet...that lil sis of mine... Lurve her lots!!! anywayz, yah.... must say, must really start doing up my room... its getting to more and more resemble the "galang guni" store near my place... everything also have...hehe ... At the wedding that evening, met up with several old frens from sch.... man, haven't seen them since i left school nearly 6 yrs ago...my,my... lots of changed... met up with caroline, yanlan, peishan, chee keong and of course, the bride, ting ting.... Must admit seeing ting ting on stage gettin married was kinda hard to believe at first... seemed only not long ago that we were all sitting in class and fooling around... sunddenly, everybody is working and gettin married.... man it sucks to be older...anywayz, we all went for a game of pool after gettin half drunk at the wedding...hehe... damn bad man... half the time cannot aim properly, let alone shoot the ball straight...hehe... anywayz, it was great to see them again after so long....
This must be the like the most boring national day i've ever experienced... Woke up at around noon.... called carole and went out to central to look for a SAMS machine to pay her bills... after that, walked around northpoint and went for "Lunner"(erm...Lunch +Dinner?)ya....Met my bro whilst eating and den went home... Slept like log man... woke up when chris & the rest(Gab, Joanne Sandhu, Amandy, Andi, Carole, Roch) came over the watch Singapore Idol... I tell u, some of the biggest clowns (as well as the most gusty people) were on that show... Damn hilarious man... Sadly, these reality shows in singapore ain't too good...cuz its kinda like predictable and really rigid... asthough everything has already been fixed... Anyways, we all stayed and wacthed frens as well.... so sad that this is gonna be the last season... Boo Hoo....
Anywayz, gotta go back to camp later tonight.... got to be in camp ny 500 tomorrow so dun wanna end up rushing on the morning so i go back camp to slp tonight lor.... haiz...gonna be damn sian man.....
Sunday, August 08, 2004
Whilst Packing
Found this whilst i was packing my room today.....Edna wrote it....
Have you ever loved someone so much
That it breaks your heart?
Have you ever loved someone so much
That it seems so hard to be apart?
A simple goodbye,
A simple touch,
A smile or even a hug,
Can either make your day
Or tear you apart.
Its hard, its tough, to find the one.
You look and search and finally,
U found him.
So now, don't you let go,
Don't you give up,
Cuz deep down you know
He is the one you want.
Ten years down the road,
You two may still be together
Or maybe miles away.
But for that to happen,
You must give this love a chance,
You might give up everything for him,
You might have been hurt time over time by him,
But yet you know that you'll never regret him.
Have you ever loved someone so much
That it breaks your heart?
Have you ever loved someone so much
That it seems so hard to be apart?
A simple goodbye,
A simple touch,
A smile or even a hug,
Can either make your day
Or tear you apart.
Its hard, its tough, to find the one.
You look and search and finally,
U found him.
So now, don't you let go,
Don't you give up,
Cuz deep down you know
He is the one you want.
Ten years down the road,
You two may still be together
Or maybe miles away.
But for that to happen,
You must give this love a chance,
You might give up everything for him,
You might have been hurt time over time by him,
But yet you know that you'll never regret him.
A Pleasent Surprise....
just reached home...Slept at 7 this morning...surprisingly,i woke up at 11... ad a nice little family discussion wit all at home about bills... haiz..money again... depressing topic man... met amanda and andi for a quick game of pool in the afternoon....after that, the usual saturday routine... off to hear the angelic angeleus choir...hehe... kids sounded ok today though there's still lots of room for improvement...Hatsuee was back in church(and singapore)today... glad to have u back in singapore babe... hope life is good for u... :)...and surprisingly,Maryanne was in church as well... haven't seen her in a long time... after mass, we met up for a smoke and chatted... Boy i miss chatting with her... we talked about everything that happened the last few months, how dylan and jacky were doin and everything... glad to see that her life is gettin better by the day... Jacky, for the record, you're a lucky ass... hehe... anyway, my congrats to the both of you and best wishes to u both...
Goin to Ting Ting's wedding tmr... haiz... depressing man... everyone i know seems to be gettin married or engaged... Iskandar, Anthony, Maryanne... well, am happy for them but as the saem time, it gets me thinking... When me? hehe... not anytime soon, i guess... i mean, seriously... not just cuz i've only been recently single and am startin to think about stoopid things... i mean, i've never been one to think about these kinda things, but sometimes, i really do wonder.... oh well, fuck it...still young... wait until become grumpy old man den start gettin depressed... :) well, but there is one resolution that i have... that is that if by 30, and i'm still single and unattached, i'll prolly adopt a kid... Yup!! love kids but will prolly never have the luck and honour of having some lovely lady bear me one...hehe... not that i'm being pessimistic... :P
Guess after all that has happened in the last few months, and having the honour of countless advice from lots of people, as well as listening to some personal experiences, i guess my whole perception and outlook of love and relationships has changed... nowadays, i'm just glad to see people happy... i guess thats all i live for nowadays...hehe..just looking at the smile on the face of a person i have in one way or another helped, is a priceless image of a happy moment...however, still think a lot about the past but thankfully,am able to control myself better... guess all it needed was time to heal... the most important thing i learnt was that some things cannot be forced, and some things that have happened already cannot be changed... so ya, suck thumb and accept it.... thats the only rational thing that can be done... Tempers might have flared and hurting words might have been exchanged but i guess that will always be the problems with human beings.... pride before passion... You know, honestly, i'm glad to see that edna is now happy with yl... no, i'm not trying to be polite... likei said before, i guess all i needed was time to accept, and forget.... though i'm not going to say that i have completely forgotten her (i know that can never happen), i still feel happy for her, now that she's happier with someone else... i know, i sound as though i trying to be all magnimous and everything but that is really how i feel... believe me or not, thats your problem...
Nowadays, guess work, frens and sch is gonna be my top priority... really sucks in a way to be single... got too much bloody spare time... really running out of things to do man... life returning back to the redundant cycle of work, home, sleep, work, home, sleep again... must find new hobby man... been looking for new furniture recently... gonna refurnish my whole room.... so looking for either a L-shaped sofa, or a single bed.... hmmm... ikea is the only bloody stop i haven't looked... think gonna go there soon...gonna exchange mi radio with mi dadsy... this radio was the first one i bought with my own cash... costs me $900 bloody bucks... hehe... in the end, become white elpahnt in my room.... :P
Think i shall stop blogging now... too many things on my mind... think i'm in that thinking phase again... hopefully, it won't get too far....Nitez all... to all the frens who have been there for me, a great big THANK YOU!!! to all that haven't been there, a great big THNAK YOU for being a fren, at least.... Glad to know all you guys and really, i would never still be standing now if all of you haven't played at least a minor part in a way or another to become a factor inn my life... MUACKZ!!! a great big sloppy kiss to all... muahahaha!!!! CIAOZ!!!!
Goin to Ting Ting's wedding tmr... haiz... depressing man... everyone i know seems to be gettin married or engaged... Iskandar, Anthony, Maryanne... well, am happy for them but as the saem time, it gets me thinking... When me? hehe... not anytime soon, i guess... i mean, seriously... not just cuz i've only been recently single and am startin to think about stoopid things... i mean, i've never been one to think about these kinda things, but sometimes, i really do wonder.... oh well, fuck it...still young... wait until become grumpy old man den start gettin depressed... :) well, but there is one resolution that i have... that is that if by 30, and i'm still single and unattached, i'll prolly adopt a kid... Yup!! love kids but will prolly never have the luck and honour of having some lovely lady bear me one...hehe... not that i'm being pessimistic... :P
Guess after all that has happened in the last few months, and having the honour of countless advice from lots of people, as well as listening to some personal experiences, i guess my whole perception and outlook of love and relationships has changed... nowadays, i'm just glad to see people happy... i guess thats all i live for nowadays...hehe..just looking at the smile on the face of a person i have in one way or another helped, is a priceless image of a happy moment...however, still think a lot about the past but thankfully,am able to control myself better... guess all it needed was time to heal... the most important thing i learnt was that some things cannot be forced, and some things that have happened already cannot be changed... so ya, suck thumb and accept it.... thats the only rational thing that can be done... Tempers might have flared and hurting words might have been exchanged but i guess that will always be the problems with human beings.... pride before passion... You know, honestly, i'm glad to see that edna is now happy with yl... no, i'm not trying to be polite... likei said before, i guess all i needed was time to accept, and forget.... though i'm not going to say that i have completely forgotten her (i know that can never happen), i still feel happy for her, now that she's happier with someone else... i know, i sound as though i trying to be all magnimous and everything but that is really how i feel... believe me or not, thats your problem...
Nowadays, guess work, frens and sch is gonna be my top priority... really sucks in a way to be single... got too much bloody spare time... really running out of things to do man... life returning back to the redundant cycle of work, home, sleep, work, home, sleep again... must find new hobby man... been looking for new furniture recently... gonna refurnish my whole room.... so looking for either a L-shaped sofa, or a single bed.... hmmm... ikea is the only bloody stop i haven't looked... think gonna go there soon...gonna exchange mi radio with mi dadsy... this radio was the first one i bought with my own cash... costs me $900 bloody bucks... hehe... in the end, become white elpahnt in my room.... :P
Think i shall stop blogging now... too many things on my mind... think i'm in that thinking phase again... hopefully, it won't get too far....Nitez all... to all the frens who have been there for me, a great big THANK YOU!!! to all that haven't been there, a great big THNAK YOU for being a fren, at least.... Glad to know all you guys and really, i would never still be standing now if all of you haven't played at least a minor part in a way or another to become a factor inn my life... MUACKZ!!! a great big sloppy kiss to all... muahahaha!!!! CIAOZ!!!!
Thursday, August 05, 2004
Another day on duty...
Am now in camp again... on duty again... must really talk to the guy planning all my duties... Bloody hell, just did one last week and this week have to do another one...haiz...luckily next one is on the 26th... thats a long way more...
Just recieved the news that one of my workmates, Leslie passed away... Motorcycle accident... died of severe head injuries... Felt really sad when i heard the news... so young... he was just 26...Kinda got me thinking... Ain't life short? It only takes a min to realise how gd life is and the very next min, BANG!!! you're dead... Its amazing how cruel life can be... It gives you all the things that make you so happy or sad and the very next, it robs you of everything... Is there no other way? Haiz....
I guess the feeling really sux when u feel that you haven't done enough in life... after this terrible piece of news, i feel that it is time i stop hiding in my shell... its time for me to do things i always wanted to do... its time for me to do things that i was always too afraid to do... You only live once and life is short enough as it is... Live life with no more regrets cuz you'll never know when it'll be your last... I ain't gonna care about what people think anymore.... At the end of the day, what matters is that i'm happy doing it... No one benefits from it more than me.... So i won't give a flying fuck about what people think anymore... You got a problem with me, tell me, i'll just laugh it off at your face and tell you to suck thumb....
When the day comes that i have to leave this place, i just want all my frens to know that the one thing i never regretted was to have known all of them... every single one of them have taught me a lesson or 2 in life and for that i will always be grateful.... And when that day comes, i dun want them to cry... No point... instead, i would wish that they just remember me as a boy, who was in one way or another, a part of their lives.... be it good or bad....I would also find some way to convey the undermentioned to the following...
My family, for always being my pillar of strength and supporting me in whatever i did... be it right or wrong... No one can ask for a better family... My ex-girlfrens... For teaching me all about life, for once loving me... for all the times and great memories...
I'm not gettin depressed or anything... its just that through this incident, i've come to realise how precious life is... you might never get to say the things you wanted to say and i'm just being singaporean....hehe
Leslie...May God Bless your soul up in heaven...We at G2 Br will always remember you for all your help...
"I am going to concentrate on what's important in life. I'm going to strive everyday to be a kind and generous and loving person. I'm going to keep death right here, so that anytime I even think about getting angry at you or anybody else, I'll see death and I'll remember."
Just recieved the news that one of my workmates, Leslie passed away... Motorcycle accident... died of severe head injuries... Felt really sad when i heard the news... so young... he was just 26...Kinda got me thinking... Ain't life short? It only takes a min to realise how gd life is and the very next min, BANG!!! you're dead... Its amazing how cruel life can be... It gives you all the things that make you so happy or sad and the very next, it robs you of everything... Is there no other way? Haiz....
I guess the feeling really sux when u feel that you haven't done enough in life... after this terrible piece of news, i feel that it is time i stop hiding in my shell... its time for me to do things i always wanted to do... its time for me to do things that i was always too afraid to do... You only live once and life is short enough as it is... Live life with no more regrets cuz you'll never know when it'll be your last... I ain't gonna care about what people think anymore.... At the end of the day, what matters is that i'm happy doing it... No one benefits from it more than me.... So i won't give a flying fuck about what people think anymore... You got a problem with me, tell me, i'll just laugh it off at your face and tell you to suck thumb....
When the day comes that i have to leave this place, i just want all my frens to know that the one thing i never regretted was to have known all of them... every single one of them have taught me a lesson or 2 in life and for that i will always be grateful.... And when that day comes, i dun want them to cry... No point... instead, i would wish that they just remember me as a boy, who was in one way or another, a part of their lives.... be it good or bad....I would also find some way to convey the undermentioned to the following...
My family, for always being my pillar of strength and supporting me in whatever i did... be it right or wrong... No one can ask for a better family... My ex-girlfrens... For teaching me all about life, for once loving me... for all the times and great memories...
I'm not gettin depressed or anything... its just that through this incident, i've come to realise how precious life is... you might never get to say the things you wanted to say and i'm just being singaporean....hehe
Leslie...May God Bless your soul up in heaven...We at G2 Br will always remember you for all your help...
"I am going to concentrate on what's important in life. I'm going to strive everyday to be a kind and generous and loving person. I'm going to keep death right here, so that anytime I even think about getting angry at you or anybody else, I'll see death and I'll remember."
Wednesday, August 04, 2004
ok am just going try to blog this way instead...seems much easier..anyway, just only finshed the damn project i was working on... now to get the documentation printed..hope i have enough time for that.... haiz... wa lau, do one project like must go into hiding like thjat...stay at home and in office all day just to finish it...damn it, if i never pay $500, i won't bother man... anyway, hope can pass time... going broke... at this rate, car liciense confimr no need to take already... k den, talk later... sleep now...hehe... miss all of u... Alice babe, talk to u later when i get back... :P

Monday, August 02, 2004
Listening to: Again - Janet Jackson
Am doin my project now...Bloody hell, the stupid documentation is killing me... and so is my neck... am getting like a super neck strain from looking at the computer too much... Ouch.. Had a great chat with Jerlyn and her sis just now... Glad to see that she's feeling all so much better.... hehe... Not going to work later... took off so that i can rush this project... have to submit it by tuesday night.... at the rate i'm going, i think still can la... hopefully...hehe...ok goin to take a short nap now... Alice goin to call me up later... hopefully i can get up..dun wan her to waste cash trying to wake the dead...hehe..Time to get ready to struggle through this documentation tmr.... Nitez all....
Am doin my project now...Bloody hell, the stupid documentation is killing me... and so is my neck... am getting like a super neck strain from looking at the computer too much... Ouch.. Had a great chat with Jerlyn and her sis just now... Glad to see that she's feeling all so much better.... hehe... Not going to work later... took off so that i can rush this project... have to submit it by tuesday night.... at the rate i'm going, i think still can la... hopefully...hehe...ok goin to take a short nap now... Alice goin to call me up later... hopefully i can get up..dun wan her to waste cash trying to wake the dead...hehe..Time to get ready to struggle through this documentation tmr.... Nitez all....
Sunday, August 01, 2004
Sunday Afternoons....
Listening to : Penny & Me - Hanson
amazingly, i'm at home on a sunday afternoon...and i'm awake... thats even harder to believe...Goin to meet Jerlyn a while later after her work... Hope she's happier now that she saw her bf yesterday... Jst played soccer in the morning...lost both games...but that is not the point... point is that met up with some of my old guys.... great to see them again after a while... glad to hear all of them are not doin too bad themselves... ok...tired like hell now... shall blog tonight when i get back... :P
amazingly, i'm at home on a sunday afternoon...and i'm awake... thats even harder to believe...Goin to meet Jerlyn a while later after her work... Hope she's happier now that she saw her bf yesterday... Jst played soccer in the morning...lost both games...but that is not the point... point is that met up with some of my old guys.... great to see them again after a while... glad to hear all of them are not doin too bad themselves... ok...tired like hell now... shall blog tonight when i get back... :P
I miss me...
Over the last few weeks, i have realised several important things... Firstly, i have come to realise that the only times whereby i am truely happy, is when i have helped somebody in one way or another, whether or not to my disadvantage... To see the happiness on that person's face a truely an undescribable feeling...and it feels really good..So i have decided that from today on, i shall help anybody who approaches me for help, be it gd or bad for me... well, at least somebody is happy right?
Secondly, i have come to realise how much the Angelus Choir means to me... After 8 years in the choir, i am who i am today becasue of all that i have ever learnt in the choir... and tonight, i shall give a tribute to all who have influenced my life in one way or another....
Mark - Am pretty much sure you hate me for all that i have done to you, but i still want to say a big thank you... if it weren't for you, i would have never joined the choir....
William - For all the years of being a fren and all the encouragement and guidance you have given me throughout the years
Maryanne - For loving me one time and making me see that the woeld is not as small as i though it was....
Annemarie-For always listening to everything i have ever said....Be it good or bad...Chumps always
Sarah-For always listening, even till today and all the support as a fren always...
Joanne Sandhu-For always supporting and listening...u go girl..
Jeremy-For always being the brother i never had... we go a long way and i'll always be grateful for your advice and support...
Roch-For all the experience and advice..
Hatsuee-For making me realise that you were always better as a fren for me than anything else... for your wise words
Amanda-The sister who always supported me no matter what i did
Caroline-The mina who became one of my closest frens ever to date....
Crystal-For always listening...
Grass-Best smoking buddy around...
Rene-Dutch boy with charismatic charm and an even bigger heart...
Rob-Neva though papa bear would be one of my closest listeining ears...literally
Chris-Advice that often saw the bigger picture....
Gabriel-For all your years of nonsense as well as wise moments
Joanne P-The listener of everything ever since i knew her..
Jennifer-For all the wise cracks
Edna-For making me realise that if you set your mind to something, nothing can stop u from achieving it...
Grace-For making me realise that i am the biggest asshole at times
Georgina-For all the support and advice
And finally to all the kids now in the choir, i want to thank all of you cuz you guys are one of the main reasons why i want to go to church on sat...
To all i may not have mentioned here, you know who you are, thank you for helping me one way or another..
Man i love the Angelus Choir!!!!!
Secondly, i have come to realise how much the Angelus Choir means to me... After 8 years in the choir, i am who i am today becasue of all that i have ever learnt in the choir... and tonight, i shall give a tribute to all who have influenced my life in one way or another....
Mark - Am pretty much sure you hate me for all that i have done to you, but i still want to say a big thank you... if it weren't for you, i would have never joined the choir....
William - For all the years of being a fren and all the encouragement and guidance you have given me throughout the years
Maryanne - For loving me one time and making me see that the woeld is not as small as i though it was....
Annemarie-For always listening to everything i have ever said....Be it good or bad...Chumps always
Sarah-For always listening, even till today and all the support as a fren always...
Joanne Sandhu-For always supporting and listening...u go girl..
Jeremy-For always being the brother i never had... we go a long way and i'll always be grateful for your advice and support...
Roch-For all the experience and advice..
Hatsuee-For making me realise that you were always better as a fren for me than anything else... for your wise words
Amanda-The sister who always supported me no matter what i did
Caroline-The mina who became one of my closest frens ever to date....
Crystal-For always listening...
Grass-Best smoking buddy around...
Rene-Dutch boy with charismatic charm and an even bigger heart...
Rob-Neva though papa bear would be one of my closest listeining ears...literally
Chris-Advice that often saw the bigger picture....
Gabriel-For all your years of nonsense as well as wise moments
Joanne P-The listener of everything ever since i knew her..
Jennifer-For all the wise cracks
Edna-For making me realise that if you set your mind to something, nothing can stop u from achieving it...
Grace-For making me realise that i am the biggest asshole at times
Georgina-For all the support and advice
And finally to all the kids now in the choir, i want to thank all of you cuz you guys are one of the main reasons why i want to go to church on sat...
To all i may not have mentioned here, you know who you are, thank you for helping me one way or another..
Man i love the Angelus Choir!!!!!
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